Daily reflection for the Feast of the Holy Innocents
By: Sr. J. K. Osiyemi EHJ
Reflection for Tuesday December 28 2021
Mt 2: 13 -18. December 28, 2021.Joseph fled to Egypt with the baby Jesus when God spoke to him in a dream. God speaks to me also through dreams, events, people, and in spiritual direction/ homilies. Herod caused sadness for many families when he killed their babies. Am I a source of joy or sadness to those around me? Am I an active pro-lifer protesting against abortion and eutanasia? Do I like Herod envy the young rising power of the society? Do I misuse my authority by seeking to oppress, silence and crush anyone who is a ‘threat’ to my freedom, power and security? Do I realize that no position is permanent and that I should not hold on to power for too long? What are my succession planning strategies? Who are my mentees?
God my saviour, protect me, help me to obey you as Joseph did. Teach me Lord God as you taught Joseph and Mary that not every battle is worth fighting in the name of being courageous, but that sometimes I need to flee and walk away from trouble shooters and ‘pigs’ in order to save my head and not be rubbed in the mud. Save me from the clutches of my enemies who are trying to attack me. Help me to atone for offences against children and minors on the internet and media. Rid me of any tendency towards tyrannical behaviour. May I be a mentor to others in matters of good leadership. Amen.