Daily reflection for Saturday of the 3rd Week of Advent (2)

Daily reflection for Saturday of the 3rd Week of Advent


By: Sr. J. K. Osiyemi, EHJ


Reflection for Saturday December 18 2021

Mt 1:18-24.

Joseph, a cool and gentle man knew that whistle-blowing the pregnancy of Mary of which he was not responsible could cost her to be stoned to death, so he planned to protect her by quietly divorcing her. The Angel then appeared and spoke to Joseph. He listened to the Angel and obeyed. Do I engage in calumny about others? Do I exaggerate their stories? Am I quick to expose the errors and mistakes of my friends? Do I listen to and obey God when he tells me not to be afraid? Am I calm enough to listen to God’s inspiration in the midst of conflicting and confusing challenges of life?

Lord Jesus, help me not to be afraid of aligning my will to yours especially when things seem very different from what I desire. Give me an understanding heart towards my friends when their situation looks clumsy, awkward and difficult to comprehend. Let me not be condemnatory and judgmental of the life situation of others for I do not know what they are passing through. Banish my fears and make me more trusting in your love for me. Amen.

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