Daily reflection for Friday of the 4th Week of Advent (1)

Daily reflection for Friday of the 4th Week of Advent


By: Sr. J. K. Osiyemi EHJ


Reflection for Friday December 24 2021

Lk 1:67 – 79.

When Zachariah experienced the manifestation of divine intervention he burst into a song of blessing. By the song, the Benedictus, Zechariah teaches me that I must be grateful to God’s surprises even if I have beforehand suffered tremendously and things have turned contrary to my expectation. I really love the prayer, ‘Let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.’ Do I praise and bless God for favours received? Do I bless people around me instead of cursing them? Do I show gratitude to my neighbours for the big and small things they do to make me happy?

Teach me o Lord Jesus to praise, bless and glorify you always in my thoughts, words and actions. Help me to make your ways known to people and guide them rightly when they come to me for help. Help me to prepare for Christ coming, forgive others and walk in the way of peace. Amen.

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