Daily homily for Thursday of the 5th Week of Lent
Theme: Being in relationshi with God
By: Fr. Francis Onwunali
Homily for Thursday April 7 2022
The readings of today focus on being in relationship. When God established a relationship with Abraham, God offered him an unbreakable “everlasting covenant” (Gen 17:7). Jesus came to fulfill that covenant so that we could know the living God and be united with him both now and for all eternity.
In the first reading (Gen 17: 3-19), God in the book of Genesis calls Abram into a covenant relationshp which is in perpetuity. This relationship changes Abram to Abraham, extending this relationship to Abraham’s descendants. God promised to give them the Land of Canaan and urged them to be faithful to this relationship. We are a covenant people in and through Christ, the same request of faithfulness is made of us today.
In the gospel (John 8: 51-59), Jesus speaks of the relationship He has with Abraham. Jesus affirms that He has a closer relationship with the Father than Abraham. For the religious leaders, such a claim is blasphemous: “I tell you most solemnly, before Abraham ever was, I Am”.
Dear friends, in the Godhead, there is the relationship of Father, Son and Spirit. This relationship is called “Love”, which is greater than death. The essence of being a Christian then, is to be in a relationship with Jesus, who in Love, laid down His life that we may have life and to the full (John 10:10). How faithful am I in my relationship with Jesus? When Israel, the descendants of Abraham derailed from the covenantal relationship, calamity befell them. We, as humans have derailed and need to repent and return to God.
I pray as we journey in life today, we will not be like the religious leaders who, in their selfishness, have derailed and refused to acknowledge the Truth as revealed in Christ, Who is One with the Father. May the covenant promises made by God be fulfilled in our lives as we remain faithful in our relationship with God. Have a Joy-full day!
Fr. Francis Onwunali