Daily homily for the Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle (2)

Daily homily for the Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle

Theme: My Lord and my God

By: Fr Francis Onwunali


Homily for Saturday July 3 2021

In our Liturgy today, we celebrate the Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle. He is often referred to as “Doubting Thomas”. St. Thomas, the disciple who at first did not believe, has become for the Church one of the first witnesses to her faith. She is fond of appealing to his testimony and frequently puts in our mouth those simple words whereby he expressed the favour of his regained faith: “My Lord and my God”. Tradition holds that he preached the gospel in India. The readings of today relate to the faith of the Apostles as the foundation upon which the Church is built.

The first reading (Eph. 2: 19-22) highlights this point and each of us as parts of this building, the body of Christ, has a part to play as we anchor our faith on Christ, the Cornerstone.

The gospel (John 20: 24-29) gives account of Thomas’ encounter with Jesus after Jesus’ resurrection and his declaration of faith in the Risen Lord: “My Lord and my God”. Thomas’ personal encounter with the risen Lord clarifies and solidifies his faith. Personal encounter with Jesus makes for an effective witnessing about Jesus. Have you indeed encountered Jesus Christ, the risen Lord?

Dear friends, like Thomas, we sometimes in the face of uncertain situations in life doubt God’s presence and involvement in our course. We are called to remain firm and resolute for “blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe”. Resilience proofs our conviction and readiness to testify to the victory of resurrection power.

I pray as we journey in life today, let us strive to rediscover our lost faith and be ready to proclaim it for the world to know that Jesus Christ is the Lord of our life. May Christ lighten our way as we spread the Gospel message. Have a witness-full day!

Fr Francis Onwunali

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