Daily homily for Monday of the 26th week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
Theme: What makes a people great
By: Fr. Francis Onwunali
Homily for Monday September 27 2021
Today, we celebrate the Memorial of St. Vincent de Paul. He was a great apostle of charity, and brought a great revival of the priesthood in the 17th century. St. Vincent de Paul was born in 1576 in Gascony, France, ordained a priest in 1600. As a young priest, he was captured by pirates and sold into slavery in Africa. He was freed when he converted his owner and returned to France. He founded the Congregation of the Priests of Mission and the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity to care for young girls, for the needy, sick, and foundlings. He died in Paris in 1660 and was canonized by Leo XIII who proclaimed him special patron of charitable institutions.
In the first reading (Zech. 8: 1-8), while disillusioned with the ruins of Jerusalem after they returned from exile, the people wondered the possibility of experiencing the glory of Jerusalem again, however, the prophet Zechariah proclaims God’s promise to rebuild the ruins of the Temple in Jerusalem and to restore the joy and happiness of the people. Are you disillusioned about the happenings in your life? God is promising restoration to you!
In the gospel (Luke 9: 46-50), Jesus, placing a child before His disciples, reminds them that what makes people great is not their exalted position but their willingness to serve. If people minister in His Name to serve His people, then such is not against Him.
Dear friends, in our world filled with competition, jealousy and struggle for possession, we are being called to see everyone as members of the human family and strive to ensue peace by our Christian living as children of God’s Kingdom.
I pray as we journey in life today, we will realize that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (James 4: 6). Let us empty ourselves of all that stand in the way- pride, envy, self-seeking glory, possessiveness and vanity, so as to be filled with God’s life and power. As we empty ourselves, may God rebuild us again and God’s glory shines forth in our lives. Have a humility-full day!
Fr Francis Onwunali