Catholic homily for Wednesday within the Octave of Easter (2)

Catholic homily for Wednesday within the Octave of Easter

Theme: The gift of His presence

By: Fr. Francis Onwunali


Homily for Wednesday April 7 2021

On this fourth day of Easter Octave, we are presented with exciting and enthusiastic events in the readings, the power of the resurrection in action. The “Name” of the Risen Lord has become the transforming power for all who believe in Christ.

In the first reading (Acts 3: 1-10), Peter and John perform great signs in the name of Jesus, the Risen Lord. They had neither silver nor gold to offer, but they gave the great gift to the crippled man at the Beautiful Gate- healing in the name of Jesus. Receiving new life, he went about praising God.

In the gospel (Luke 24: 13-35), two of Jesus’ disciple encountered Him on the way to Emmaus and only recognized the Risen Lord in the breaking of the bread. Though they did not immediately recognize Jesus as He spoke to them, however, His Word burnt like fire in their hearts as they listened.

Dear friends, the disciples on the road to Emmaus did not recognize the Lord because their hopes and dreams were shattered by Jesus’ death. However, as Jesus spoke to them, His words, like fire, were burning in their hearts. In the power of the Word and Sacrament- breaking of Bread- the Risen Lord presents Himself to us. When Jesus spoke, He purified their hearts. From a pure heart, Peter and John spoke the Word and healing power accompanied it. Does the Word of God burn like fire in my heart?

I pray as we journey in life today with our Risen Lord, let us accompany one another, making present the power of His presence to bring life and vitality in every troubled or darkened situation. Let us seek for that ultimate gift, the gift of God’s presence. May we testify with St. Paul that all those who call upon the NAME of the Lord will be saved (Rom. 10: 13). Have a day full of healing in body and soul!

Fr. Francis Onwunali

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