Catholic homily for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent (1)

Catholic homily for Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

Theme: JESUS REVEALS THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT…… “If God were your Father, you would love me”

By: Fr. Givanildo dos SANTOS Ferreira


Homily for Wednesday March 24 2021

Today, the Lord directs harsh words to the Jews. Not to some Jews, but precisely to those who embraced the faith: Jesus said «to the Jews who had believed him» (Jn 8:31). This dialogue of Jesus reflects, without any doubt, the beginning of those difficulties caused by the Jewish Christians in the first hours of the Church.

As they were descendants of Abraham according to their kinship, such Jesus’ disciples considered themselves superior not only to Gentiles who lived away from the faith, but also better than any non-Jewish disciples of the same faith. They said: «We are Abraham’s descendants» (Jn 8:33); «Abraham is our father» (v.39); «The only Father we have is God himself.”» (v.41) Despite being disciples of Jesus, we have the impression that Jesus meant nothing for them, nothing that could improve whom they already owned. But it is there where they all made a big mistake. True sons are not those by physical descent but the heirs of the promise, that is, those who believe (cf. Rom 9:6-8). Without faith in Jesus it is not possible for anyone to reach Abraham’s promise. That being so, among the disciples, “there is neither Jews nor Greeks; neither slave nor free; nor is there man and woman”, for they are all brothers because of Baptism (cf. Gal 3:27-28).

Let us not be seduced by spiritual pride. Judaizers considered themselves superior to other Christians. It is not necessary to speak, here, of separated brethren. But let us rather think of us. How often some Catholics consider themselves better than other Catholics just because they follow this or that movement, or because they observe this or that discipline, they abide by this or to that liturgical trend! Some, because they are rich; others, because they studied more… Some, because they hold relevant positions; others, because they come from noble families… « I want everyone to feel the joy of being a Christian…. God guides his Church, he sustains it always, especially at times of difficulty» (Benedict XVI).

Fr. Givanildo dos SANTOS Ferreira
(Brasilia, Brazil)

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