Catholic homily for the 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Theme: He touched me!
By: Rev. Fr. Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Homily for Sunday February 14 2021
(Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11R. (7); 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mk.1:40-45)
These days, it’s becoming much more difficult to ‘touch’ people. I am from a culture that sees touch as a major part of communication. It is perhaps the most powerful non verbal communication in existence. But much has changed… In today’s world, if you’re always seen around kids, you’ve got to be a pedophile. What about with people of the same sex? You are gay. Then when you try hanging around members of the opposite sex, you’re too promiscuous… This is why true compassion has taken flight; why many refuse to take care of their sick and aged parents, relatives and friends. This is why our society has become too individualistic…
However, Jesus reminds us today that ‘touch’ makes healing much more meaningful. Leprosy was no small disease in Jesus’ day. Think about that deadly Ebola virus. Or even COVID-19 today. Perhaps you’ll understand just how serious the ailment was. The first reading tells us all about how anyone with this disease was to be separated from the community, and made to announce his/her ‘unclean’ presence whenever necessary. Our leprous man in today’s gospel reading must have been very bold. He came straight to Jesus and expressed a simple desire: “if you wish, you can make me clean.” Jesus broke all the laws of ‘purity’ when He ‘touched’ this man and healed him…
Beyond his filth, Jesus saw the deep desire this man had for repentance. He acted accordingly. This Sunday is the last before lent. Just like the leprous man, we’re called to approach Jesus with deep faith and be cleansed of our sins. We’re called to feel His touch and be healed. In the same way, we’re reminded of the need to bring compassion and healing to all those in need of it. Like Jesus, we must not be afraid to ‘touch’ even the most unclean; those rejected by society; those tagged public sinners… Having been touched ourselves, we must extend that healing to others, and as St Paul tells us in the second reading, all to the glory of God.
Good morning dear, and Happy Sunday!