Catholic homily for Friday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time Cycle I
Theme: The cancerous darkness!
By: Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Homily for Friday June 18 2021
2 Cor.11:18,21-30; Matt.6:19-23
Have you ever encountered a vengeful heart? Or seen a police detective turned rogue? Chances are that the vengeful heart and the rogue policeman would do much more damage than the ‘everyday’ evil heart ever could? Why? Because when what used to be full of light becomes dark, there’s no turning back. Take an example from Mr Satan who used to be the light bearer. We may shine our shoes, wear tuxedos, sprinkle holy water on our faces, and appear impeccable. But how are we inside all the spray and polish?
Friends, we will be judged by how much treasure we amassed for God’s Kingdom, rather than by the fame we got; by how much money we have in our accounts, and how many cars and houses we bought. It is true that material wealth gives one status in this world, but the world to come does not recognise the wealth that wasn’t given away to assist someone else. The more we hoard, the more we darken the light of love in our hearts. And as Jesus says, if the light in our hearts turns to darkness, there will be no darkness greater.
Father, as I thank You for the gift of a new day, I pledge to channel my life in the path of light and righteousness, through the grace of your Holy Spirit. May my striving to become a better person help put a smile on people’s faces, to the glory of your name, through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Good morning dear. God bless your weekend ahead.